Home / News / Amada ENSIS (9kW/6kW) fiber laser includes high

Amada ENSIS (9kW/6kW) fiber laser includes high

Nov 27, 2023Nov 27, 2023

ENSIS (9kW/6kW) fiber laser. Amada

Amada Co. Ltd. offers the ENSIS-3015AJ (9kW/6kW) fiber laser cutting machine, which uses its ENSIS-9000 and ENSIS-6000 high-output oscillators. It is designed for high-speed, stable cutting over the entire range of machining, from thin to thick sheet metals, says the company. This has been made possible by the evolution of the company's original beam control technology (ENSIS) and the expansion of oscillator output from the conventional 3kW to 9kW/6kW.

NC equipment is provided with the AMNC 3i, which can be operated like a smartphone. It is adapted to Amada IoT V-factory and visualizes machine operating results, including power consumption and processing costs.