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Metal in Motion: Redefining critical parts production with Velo3D

Oct 24, 2023Oct 24, 2023

21 July 2022


End-to-End Manufacturing Solution

The Velo3D end-to-end metal AM solution—consisting of Flow print preparation software, the Sapphire family of metal 3D printers, Assure real-time quality validation and control software, and its underlying Intelligent Fusion manufacturing process—has redefined what is possible with metal AM and helped engineers produce mission-critical components that perform better, weigh less and feature more complicated geometries than ever before, and all while cutting time of production.

Flow Print Preparation Software

Flow is responsible for prescribing the manufacturing process for the Sapphire family of printers. The software's in-depth process library eliminates the need to develop new parameter sets. With over two dozen standardized recipes, engineers can analyze the part while Flow automatically applies the right recipe to each feature. This saves months of development and reduces the need for specialized technicians.

Sapphire Family of Metal 3D Printers

The Sapphire family of printers are next-generation laser powder bed fusion metal AM printers. With a re-engineered optics center, optimized gas flow, and a unique non-contact recoater, Sapphire printers are capable of printing today's most advanced geometries. Furthermore, with nearly 1,000 separate sensors and onboard calibration routines, Sapphire printers are ready to meet exacting quality standards for today's most challenging industries.

The Velo3D Sapphire Family of Printers includes

Assure Quality Control Software

Assure quality control software enables visibility into every layer of a part's build through real-time, multisensor, physics-based excursion detection algorithms and provides unprecedented traceability of machine health, part integrity, and build reporting.

Intelligent Fusion

Intelligent Fusion is the underlying manufacturing process that binds and facilitates all aspects of the Velo3D end-to-end solution, which includes print preparation software (Flow), advanced metal printer (Sapphire), and quality assurance software (Assure).

Flow imports native CAD design files and automatically identifies regions of parts based on local geometric attributes (e.g., overhang angle, width, etc.) and specifies custom welding instructions tailored to generate the highest quality for each complex feature of the part.

The Sapphire printer then carries out these instructions using an in-house next-generation laser scanning system combined with a novel powder recoating mechanism to produce metal parts with unrivaled complexity and quality.

Finally, the Assure software reports detailed real-time progress and quality information utilizing thousands of sensors from the system to provide users with complete quality control.

Intelligent Fusion unifies and manages all the above, including the information flow, sensor data from over 950 sensors, and the advanced printing technology for precision control of the entire print.

Redefining Critical Parts Production with Velo3D

Applications for metal AM are expanding, and innovative companies are using the Velo3D end-to-end solution to revolutionize their designs. Learn more about how the company's solution has transformed the design and manufacturing process for crucial core parts including microturbines, high pressure tanks, heat exchangers, static mixers, and turbopumps.

Download the free eBook here.

21 July 2022


End-to-End Manufacturing Solution Velo3D Flow Print Preparation Software Sapphire Family of Metal 3D Printers Assure Quality Control Software Intelligent Fusion Redefining Critical Parts Production with Velo3D